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All products are guaranteed to be free of manufacturer defects upon shipping. This warranty applies to the original purchaser only and does not include normal wear and tear, unauthorized alternation to or change of parts or components of the product, or damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, fire, liquid contact, drop, or other external cause.  Customers are encouraged to examine their products upon receipt. MEI-CHA is not responsible for any injuries that may occur while using the product. Our products are solely intended for trained professionals only. Please be sure to comply with all safety regulations and guideline in your practice location. 

Warranty Period

MEI-CHA warrants all hardware products against defects in when used normally in accordance with our published guidelines. Warranty periods vary by product for a minimum period of SIX (6) MONTHS from the date of original purchase. MEI-CHA's published guidelines include but not limited to information contained in user manuals, product specifications, and service communications.


Experiencing issue with your device? We'd love to help! Please fill out the Device Service Request Form to start.

